Tuesday, December 1, 2015

She grew up in an Indiana town...

I'm making my triumphant comeback to the blogosphere after a five year hiatus. I need to enter back into this world slowly and cautiously, so my first post will be short and sweet.

In 2014, there was a blog post titled 10 Indiana Stereotypes That Are Completely Accurate. Having grown up in The Region, where we more closely associated with Chicago skyscrapers instead of Crawfordsville cornfields, I can't say that I relate to all of the stereotypes. But who else out there smiled and started singing when you read #3 on the list? 

1 comment:

  1. Dude. I remember that post but not the content. I had to click the link and read on to see what number three is about. Next time could you quote it so lazy derps like myself can be lazy.
