Monday, September 13, 2010


I've been a bad blogger! I know! So sorry. Going to revamp this site and see where it goes... stay tuned.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Dumb Hoosier #1: Norma Meska

I currently am at a loss for recent adventures to write about, so I thought I'd start a new on-going series of people around the Hoosier State doing dumb things.

First up, a doozie I found while checking out The Times in Northwest Indiana:
A two story house in Trail Creek was destroyed by fire when a woman lit a cigarette while on oxygen.

Norma Meska told investigators she is on oxygen and was seated on a couch about 1 p.m. Saturday when she lit a cigarette at her home at 3203 Sal Court.

According to LaPorte County authorities, the lines feeding oxygen into her nostrils flamed and she threw down the plastic feed tubes.

Coolspring Township Fire Chief Mick Pawlik said the carpeting first caught fire.

He said the flames fed by the 100 percent oxygen being pumped by a machine into the lines and out into the room spread rapidly.

"The fire kept consuming everything it could," Pawlik said.

Meska called 911 then made her way safely out of the home before the flames engulfed the home, police said.

Firefighters from Michigan City testing some hoses nearby were first to arrive.

Despite the short response time, the fire had already engulfed practically the entire first floor.

Pawlik said portable oxygen tanks were kept in her bedroom upstairs, which sustained heavy smoke damage.

Is this for real?! Turns out that there are a lot more people other than dear Norma who have made the mistake. In fact, in 2002-2005, oxygen administration equipment was involved in an estimated average of 209 home fires reported annually to fire departments, according to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report Fires and Burns Involving Home Medical Oxygen. These fires caused an average of 46 deaths and 62 injuries per year. Smoking materials provided the heat of ignition in roughly six in 10 of these fires and fire injuries, and three in four of the deaths.

So all you smokers out there on oxygen - be smart!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Discovering the Weird Side of Indiana

Since starting this blog, I've a few people say, "How on earth will you keep this blog updated with fun adventures around Indiana since there isn't anything fun here to begin with?" So to all you naysayers out there, let me share with you a few guides I've found that helped me discover the entertaining, odd side of Indiana.

There are a few good books that give you insight on interesting sights around the Hoosier State. One that I own is "Weird Indiana". It's a fascinating look at the oddities of a state that you might have always assumed was just cornfield, cornfields and more cornfields. Just goes to show how wrong you can be if you judge a book by its cover. This book, like all of the others in this Weird series, is an intelligent, witty and well written survey of the creepy, eccentric and bizarre aspects of Indiana's strange sites, unique history and many unexplained mysteries. Indiana weird? Believe it or not, it really is!

Square Donuts. The World's Largest Stump. Oscar the Monster Turtle. Johnny Appleseed's grave. The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. While other travel guides tell you about yet another cozy bed-and-breakfast and bike trails through Brown County, Oddball Indiana offers wacky travel destinations and little-known historical tidbits.

Start out with those two guides, and in no time you'll start to see a side of Indiana you didn't know existed!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Stop! Put Down That Watermelon!

There are many funny and strange laws that are still considered to be on the books though they are not necessarily enforced. Indiana is no stranger to some of these strange laws and some of these are incredibly funny! They make you think twice about saying that you have never done anything illegal since, according to these strange laws, I have broken the law on more than one occasion. Read these funny Indiana laws that are sure to make you scratch your head.
  • A $3.00 per pack fee is imposed to anyone that is playing cards under the Act for the Prevention of Gaming.
  • It is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.
  • Baths cannot be taken between the months of October and March.
  • Oral sex is illegal in Indiana.
  • Indiana liquor stores may not sell milk.
  • It is illegal to pass a horse on the street.
  • A man may not back into a parking space because it prevents a police officer from seeing the license plate.
  • Grocery stores may not sell any type of cold liquor.
  • It is illegal to sell cars on Sunday.
  • A man may be arrested for statutory rape if his female passenger is under 17 and not wearing her socks and shoes.
  • Drink on the house are illegal.
  • Hotel sheets must be exactly 99 inches long and 81 inches wide.
  • You can get out of paying for a dependent's medical care by praying for them.
  • In Beech Grove, Indiana it is illegal to eat watermelon in the park.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How is this a Rollback Savings?

Hmm... looks like misleading advertising if you ask me. Only in Indiana would people be so dumb to think they were actually getting a deal! Thanks to John Rayman for posting this picture on his Facebook.

Speaking of Walmart... here's a car seen at Walmart last week by my friend Elizabeth Miller:

At least they can find humor out of having a big dent in their car!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ladies and Gentlemen... Start Your Engines!

May in Indiana means only one thing - time for the Indianapolis 500! Here's a brief history if you're unfamiliar with the roots of the race.

Built on 328 acres of farmland five miles northwest of Indianapolis, Indiana, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway was started by local businessmen as a testing facility for Indiana’s growing automobile industry. The idea was that occasional races at the track would pit cars from different manufacturers against each other. After seeing what these cars could do, spectators would presumably head down to the showroom of their choice to get a closer look.

The rectangular two-and-a-half-mile track linked four turns, each exactly 440 yards from start to finish, by two long and two short straight sections. In that first five mile race on August 19, 1909, 12,000 spectators watched Austrian engineer Louis Schwitzer win with an average speed of 57.4 miles per hour. The track’s surface of crushed rock and tar proved a disaster, breaking up in a number of places and causing the deaths of two drivers, two mechanics and two spectators.

While the official attendance is not disclosed by Speedway management, with a permanent seating capacity for more than 257,000 people and infield seating that raises capacity further to an approximate 400,000, it is the largest single-day sporting event in the world

So enough of the boring history stuff that you could have found yourself on Wikipedia. Here's the scoop on the REAL Indianapolis 500 and the top 10 things to expect if you go.

  1. There are more men wearing cut off jean shorts than not.
  2. Those same men wearing jean shorts are also wearing apparel featuring their favorite alcoholic beverage.
  3. Parking is horrible.
  4. Be prepared to get a sunburn.
  5. And if the sun isn't out, be prepared for a tornado.
  6. Bring your camera to take pics of celebrities outside of the Pagoda Tower.
  7. Beer is way overpriced, but you can BRING YOUR OWN BEER!
  8. Because you can bring your own beer, there are a lot of annoying drunk people stumbling around.
  9. The actually race is really boring in person. It takes a long time to race 500 miles. Typically you sit in your seat for the first 30 and last 30 laps. The rest of the time, you walk around and people watch.
  10. You must go early to watch the Purdue Marching Band perform. And best of all, hear Jim Nabors sing "Back Home Again in Indiana."

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Indiana Urban Legend #1: Stiffy Green

I plan on periodically posting a series on this blog of Indiana Urban Legends, because we definitely have our fair share of them in the Hoosier state! My first feature is on the mysterious Stiffy Green, located in Terre Haute, Indiana.

When John G. Heinl died in 1921, the legend of Stiffy Green was born. Stiffy was a loyal pet bulldog that refused to leave the side of his master, even in death. When John died, Stiffy could always be found at the steps of the mausoleum watching over his master's remains. Stiffy would not eat, drink or sleep, keeping a watchful eye over John. Eventually, Stiffy was found dead at the mausoleum from starvation and dehydration.

The family decided to have Stiffy stuffed with green glass eyes (thus earning hin the nickname "Stiffy Green") and put in the mausoleum so that he could be close to his lifelong companion. At night, the local kids would sneak into the cemetery to listen to the sounds of barking and shine flashlights through the glass doors to see the green glow of Stiffy's eyes staring back at them. Many people to this day insist that you can still hear barking on certain nights and sometimes see a man and his dog walking amongst the tombstones.

Last month, I took a road trip to visit Mr. Heinl and Mr. Green and see if the legend was true. Unfortunately, due to vandalism in the 1980s (gunshot would to the eye), the statue was removed by the local Lions Club as a public service and placed with care in the Vigo County Historical Society in 1998, where you can go and visit him today in a replica mausoleum.


Do not continue to read unless you want to be sorely disappointed. After reading, it might evoke the same feelings you got when you first found out that Santa Claus wasn't real and the Tooth Fairy is just your Mom.

Turns out that after a little research, I found out that Stiffy Green was never even a real dog! He was just a statue that adorned the front porch of Mr. Heinl's home; a personal favorite of his. So after he died, the statue was placed in his mausoleum. What a bummer... but it's still worth a visit.

Statue of Stiffy Green the Bulldog
Address: 1411 South 6th Street, Terre Haute, IN
Directions: In the Vigo County Historical Society
Hours: Tu-Su 1-4 pm, closed Monday and major holidays

Stiffy Green/John Heinl Mausoleum
Address: 4420 East Wabash Avenue, Terre Haute, IN
Directions: Highland Lawn Cemetery - after you enter the main gate, stick to the far left-hand side of the cemetery and eventually you'll run across it

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Boobquake 2010 Rocks Indiana

If you've been living under a rock for the past 24 hours, let me enlighten you with a little story about a Hoosier girl doing right in the world.

A week ago, you may recall seeing this quote in the news: "Many women who do not dress modestly lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes." This was quoted from Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi, a prayer leader from Iran on Friday, April 16th.

So what does any normal science geek do to respond to the horrifically sexist comment? Create BOOBQUAKE, of course!

Jen McCreight, a self-described liberal, geeky, nerdy, scientific, perverted atheist feminist trapped in Indiana (who also happens to be a Purdue student), decided to create this event, calling for all women to wear their lowest cut shirts on April 26th to gather scientific evidence on whether or not dressing slutty had a direct effect on the frequency of earthquakes.

What were the results, you ask? There was a 6.5 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan! Oh, the horror! Must be a direct result from the all the jugs being shaken from coast to coast in protest.

But not so fast...

Turns out that in comparison to the average number of earthquakes in the world each day, yesterday was a pretty quiet day. In the chart below (borrowed from Ms. McCreight's blog), you can see that the red square represents the number of earthquakes occurring on Boobquake 2010, which is relatively average in the scheme of things.

Thanks to Boobquake, we not only stood up for women's rights by baring our cleavage, but also learned a bit about plate tectonics, too. Thanks, Jen! Oh - and don't forget to buy your t-shirt!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Proving That There's More Than Corn in Indiana

This is the announcement you've all been waiting for... Indiana Beach, located on beautiful Lake Shafer is officially open for the season this weekend on May 1st.

That's right, folks. Time to put on your Sunday best (your clean wolf t-shirt, Dale Earnhardt, Jr. hat and shredded up jorts) and head over to your favorite Indiana amusement park. Well, favorite one located in Monticello, at least. And there's some exciting news for you tried and true Hoosiers out there - they are even now offering for the first time ever Season Passes! For the low price of $99.95, you can have unlimited use of their rides and water park all season long. But I think I'll skip on the rides and just enjoy the free admission.

There's nothing better on a hot summer day to sit and watch the crowd at Indiana Beach. It's as if you've gone back in time to 1989. Well, everyone else has except for you. The colors of neon fanny packs rival the brightness of the hot July sun. Sounds of Guns N' Roses "Welcome to the Jungle" blast on the Himalaya ride as middle aged men scream, "Faster!" And the smells of popcorn-eating 20 lb. carp and funnel cake fill the air.

What I love best, besides the 2-for-1 deal you can get on matching his/hers airbrushed t-shirts, is the fact that the "beach" in "Indiana Beach" isn't even real! It's just poured concrete with some sand dumped on top of it. It's as if to remind people in Indiana that they're not a fancy, ocean side resort. We're just sand on hard concrete, just the way you like it.

If any of you venture over to Indiana Beach this summer, send me pictures of some of the fine specimen of Hoosiers you find there and I'll post them up on this blog for all to enjoy. Kind of like our very own People of Walmart!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Prom Dresses Gone Wrong (Jeff HS Edition)

The ground is thawed, snow is melted, flowers are blooming, so that can only mean one thing... High School Prom season! Get ready for adventures to Walmart in rented limos, "fancy" meals at Olive Garden and renting ugly light blue tuxedos because it shows you're a non-conformist. My first installation will feature the fine young ladies and gentleman from Jefferson High School in Lafayette, Indiana.

Starting off on a positive note, the beautiful vision in pink in the center of this photo is none other than the daughter of my good friend Cassidy. I included this image as a benchmark of how to do prom RIGHT. Notice the lack of 5" stripper heals, bare midriff, or inappropriate up-do featuring 800 bobby pins and three cans of hairspray. Her outfit is age-appropriate and flattering for her. One thing I don't get is this new tradition of a grand march through the high school gym, joined arm and arm parading for the parents enjoyment. If you ask me, they all look a little uncomfortable.

Before I get into all the fashion mistakes at Prom, I'll include one more example on how to do Prom right. Gorgeous color gown for this girl; make-up doesn't make her look like a clown; jewelry is gorgeous; date has color coordinating tie. They just look damn good together. I'll be rooting for these two kids to remain a couple and have a long and fashionable life together.

Now... moving on to what NOT to wear...

These kids are trying really hard to look cool, but I have two main issues with this foursome. First issue: SUNGLASSES AT NIGHT. INSIDE. Maybe the bright flash of the paparazzi was bothering your eyes, but seriously, you just look like a fool with those glasses on. Second issue: the girl on the right looks nice, but that bow needs to go!! I guess it's a plus that it's not placed on her backside, though. Or maybe there's one there, too, that we can't see...

Next, we have the girl on the left wearing ruffles that remind me of the Enchantment Under The Sea Dance from Back to the Future. Honey, ruffles were from the 50s. Time to wear something that doesn't make you look old and shorter than you already are. Although, seeing your vertically challenged date, maybe looking short was a good thing in this case.

First off, looks like these kids didn't get the memo the the order should go girl-boy-girl-boy so you don't have two guys in the middle interlocking arms and escorting each other. Second, gray suit guy looks a bit silly. And third, what's with the girl on the right showing a tiny slit of her tummy? I've never seen a dress like that, and I hope to never again.

To the girl in the blue and green dress: What is up with that odd shoulder strap? It looks so out of place. If I saw you out in public, I would walk up to you with scissors and cut it right off. That strap has absolutely no purpose other than to annoy those around you as they sit there and
stare at it, wondering "why is that strap there?"

Ah, yes. It's not high school Prom unless you have at least one or two pregnant teenagers there. Girl on the far left looks nice showing off her baby bump. But what makes me most disgusted is that she is escorted by another girl! Where the hell is her baby daddy? Sorry sweetie, looks like you have a future deadbeat dad on your hands.

To the princess on the far left who brought her own crown to Prom: Sorry sweetie, you're no royalty, especially with your too-short dress and slutty garter showing. My guess is that in about eight months, you'll look similar to the girl in blue in the picture above, if your date got his wish last night.

The happy couple in purple are completely working the runway in this photo. Just look at the facial expressions - fierce! My only complaint - no boutonnieres? The least you could do for each other is buy a few cheap flowers for your date! Just because you're gay doesn't mean you're exempt from basic prom etiquette.

Last, but not least, here is the infamous light blue tuxedo that makes an appearance at every Prom across the great state of Indiana. But the blue tux isn't the only issue with this photo. I don't care how "cool" you may think you look, but it's never okay to wear a hat to Prom. Especially when it's a Yankees hat.

Thanks Jeff High School for the great arsenal of bad fashion for 2010 -McCutcheon and Harrison, I'm coming after you next!